Friday, July 31, 2015

Watching too Much TV can Shorten our Life

Watching too Much TV can Shorten our Life

Watching too Much TV can Shorten our Life

A new study recommends that if you spend too much time by watching TV everyday may harmful in our life. It could shorten our life.
Watching TV more than 6 hours may decrease 5 year lifetime than who doesn’t watch TV.
After 25 years watching TV every hour drop away our life extent by 22 minutes. The research carried out by the University of Queensland.
But there is no straight association between TV and our life, but the evils of TV are absolutely indirect.
When we spend time by watching TV, we generally eat something absurdly and fewer physical association. Less physical movement means growing many diseases like fatness, heart disease and cancer.
Watching too much TV means they are cut off, miserable. They have no friends to talk to expend some time. They are feeling lonely. This is the real causes of early death.

Researchers suggested that watching TV may be as risky as smoking and less activity dropping life expectancy. Smoking shortens our life period about 4 years after 50 years of age. Watching TV also trim down our life phase half an hour as smoking.
A study said that those who are not watching TV, there approximate life expectancy for men would be 1.8 years longer and for women 1.5 years longer. Who is spending an excessive amount of time by watching TV greater probabilities of increasing diseases and there disease prototype is same.
Participate in any physical program, spend time with your friends, involved any social performance, make any hobbies. This boosts your lifetime and keeps you healthy. Spending more time at the house is fewer workouts, means less your lifetime.

10 Ways to Protect your Brain

10 Ways to Protect your Brain

10 Ways to Protect your Brain:

A Recent study reveals that people who have diabetes type 1 and diabetes type2 increases dementia disease. Dementia is a serious diseases related to our mind or brain. In childhood our school performance and the nature of the job also play a major role in the risk factor of these serious diseases. People in earlier ages who performed well in their school are a lower risk of developing dementia at their older age.
People who worked hard and performing highly completed job maintain numbers and various types of data management the risk of dementia is 23 percent lower. So these serious mental diseases factors in our personal life. Highly complex jobs and better rank of school performance.

You can improve your brain health by doing some healthy habits in your daily life. 10 ways to protect your brain, which is helping you to keep your brain healthy and lower risk of mental disease.

1. Do exercise regularly, which is good for your health and it increases the blood flow rate in your body and your brain.
2. Smoking is a great factor for dementia. If you stop smoking, the chances of mental debility will be lower.
3. Other important things are to protect your head from injuries. When you are riding bikes always use a helmet, when you travelling by car wear your seat belt, it can lower brain dementia.
4. A good and sound sleep is very healthy for your body and mind. It protects your memory.
5. Social activities as another way to keep your mind and brain healthy. So you get involved in social activities with your friends and family.
6. Education helps you lower risk of dementia. So you can take a class, reading some books.
7. Your brain health is related to your heart health. So do exercise, control your weight and blood pressure.
8. Eat healthy foods and lots of vegetables, which is improving your digestion function and keep your health good heart and brain. Its lower your mental dementia.
9. Take care your mental health condition like depression, anxiety. Read story book, listen to music or keep busy with other activities like gardening.
10. Take part any activities which are challenging, like games, quiz competition or projects, which is good for your brain health.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Positive Thought Health Benefit

Positive Thought Health Benefit

Can our thoughts, appearances make diseases? All right, can they also cure diseases? Positive thought health benefit. Let us look at the following examples.
There is a lady in England who was allergic to roses. The moment she went anywhere near a rose, all indications of allergy would be noticeable in her. Her eyes would found watering, nose would run, face would twist red and she would start sneezing. So, she made sure that she never went anywhere close to a rose. One day she visited a seminar. When she entered into the lobby, she was stunned a huge table decorated with hundreds of roses. She cursed her ill back, which forced her to sit with roses. When she sat down, she gradually suffered all the signs of allergy showing on her face. A series of sneezes followed. Then, she looked up and glared at the roses. Suddenly she realized they were not real roses! They were all paper roses! The moment she realized that, all the symptoms of allergy moved out! So, it was the thought appearance that roses can provide her reaction caused her anxiety.

Let us look at one more example.

One day an old friend came to visit me. I had known him as a very healthy person. When I ordered t to make tea for us, suddenly he asked for tea without sugar. I was amazed and asked whether he had diabetes. He said everybody in his family had diabetes and thus he had been concerned to keep away from the same. Well, it is good to be careful, but is he not created in his mind the opportunity that he may also have diabetes? The possibility of getting diabetes increased by his own thought form. The more he tries to take steps to avoid it, the more he is preparing to create it in his life. Thoughts appearances make diseases and also cure diseases. Positive thought health benefit.

Healthy School Tiffin Ideas for your Kids

Healthy School Tiffin ideas for your Kids
Healthy School Tiffin Ideas for your Kids
1. There's a tendency to bundle a grave meal for their kids. But healthy school tiffin ideas for your kids are very important, if you prepared the tiffin a good wholesome. Your kid will be happy in the lunch break. Paneer, cheese, or tuna sandwiches are always a secure bet.

2. Healthy interesting school tiffin for your kids is important. You take them t to nearest the shop and enquire them what they would like better to take to school. Take them to each and every counter - the fruit section or vegetables or you could take them any ready-to-eat carton counter. Pay attention to what they would enjoy to favour that will give you a proposal to accomplish the required criteria for healthy and tasty tiffin.

3. It is a good idea to arrange healthy, interesting and tasty tiffin on Sundays. Particularly a working mother they generally did not get to much time to prepare tiffin for children. So make special tiffin for your children on Sunday. Prepare a small box of cold strawberries or salad. Every day gets one container, and packs it in the lunch-box. By lunch time, the food will soften and be prepared to be eaten.

4. During winters, they would like a bit of warm and hot food. So prepare some nutritious food that is interesting and your child’s world prefer it. Make noodles or magi, chicken soup and set it in a hip thermos. You can prepare sandwiches, omelette or lite tiffin like biscuits or cake.

5. Your children will be despondent if you give them the same kind of tiffin everyday. Think out new recipes how making delicious and healthy food which they will love to eat. You may give your kids vegetables, spicy salad, beans, carrots is good, fresh fruits like bananas are great.